Save 504 Plans

The Issue

Attorneys General from 17 states are suing the federal government to make Section 504 unconstitutional. Put into law in 1973, 504 plans are a key protection ensuring that people with diabetes are not discriminated against in school, at hospitals, at work, or any other institution that accepts federal money. While you or your loved one may not consider diabetes a disability in your day to day life, the U.S. government considers all types of diabetes a disability. This means that all people with diabetes are legally protected against discrimination at school, work, and in healthcare settings.

Many parents of T1Ds use 504 plans at schools to make sure their kids have access to CGMs, glucose, and insulin throughout the school day. Unlike Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) which provide specialized instruction, 504 plans ensure that students with disabilities have access to the general curriculum and school resources. But protections extend far beyond that.

504 plans ensure we receive the necessary accommodations we need at work, school, and or hospitals:

  • Schools must include students with disabilities, including diabetes, and help them learn.

  • Schools must allow students with diabetes to wear masks, if they choose, while at school.

  • Doctors and hospitals cannot refuse treatment to someone because they have diabetes.

  • Employers must allow people with diabetes to manage their health and receive appropriate accommodations while at work.

If 504 plans are ruled unconstitutional, all of these protections can go away, leaving kids without any in-school support for their diabetes, and adults at risk of losing their jobs if they have to take care of their diabetes during the work day.

What You Can Do

If you live in a state that is suing, you need to call your Attorney General (AG) and tell them to stop. If your state’s AG is not part of the lawsuit, you can still call your AG and tell them how important it is that they protect Section 504.

Why call? Because anyone can click send on a form email, but people who really care will call–and government officials know this and will take notice. They know the people who call are the ones who care and are the ones who will make sure their friends vote against them in the next election.

After you call, we ask that you forward this to your family members, friends, and other diabetics you know. You can also share this Instagram post to your stories or download these files to share on your own.

It takes 1 minute to make a call. Here is your script and below you’ll find a list of all phone numbers for all the AGs. If you want to cite how many people with diabetes are living in your state, see our interactive map here.

The Script

For AGs involved in the case (see map below):

Hi, my name is [Your Name], and I’m a constituent from [Your City, State, Zip Code]. I’m calling to urge Attorney General [Last Name] to remove themselves from Texas v. Becerra. This lawsuit threatens Section 504, which ensures students with diabetes receive necessary accommodations in schools, and protects against workplace discrimination based on chronic conditions.

Undermining these protections could put children’s health and education at risk. Please withdraw from this case and stand up for your constituents who rely on these critical protections. Thank you.

For AGs not involved in the case:

Hi, my name is [Your Name], and I’m a constituent from [Your City, State, Zip Code]. I’m calling to ask Attorney General [Last Name] to publicly oppose Texas v. Becerra. This lawsuit threatens Section 504, which ensures students with diabetes receive necessary accommodations in schools, and protects against workplace discrimination based on chronic conditions.

Weakening these protections could harm children’s health and access to education. I urge the AG to speak out and take action to protect your constituents with chronic conditions. Thank you.

Contact Your Attorney General


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