Insulin prices are a policy failure.

Americans are dying because our politicians refuse to act.

It’s time we hold them accountable.

The Problems

1-in-4 Americans are rationing their life-saving insulin. Americans pay more for analog insulin than anyone else and it requires a prescription to obtain (unlike in other countries). These are barriers that limits access to a drug that people cannot live without.

While insulin makers have recently lowered the prices of some of their oldest insulins, they are still more expensive in the U.S. than anywhere else in the world. And there are still no protections to prevent companies from raising prices in the future.


Helping You Call Your Representatives

Calling your political representatives is the best way to let them know that you are holding them accountable.

Why calls? Because anyone can click send on a form email, but people who really care will call–and representatives take notice. They know the people who call are the ones who care and are the ones who will make sure their friends vote against them in the next election.


1 in 4

Americans with diabetes rationing their insulin

Do your representatives take money from insulin makers?

Tracking these political contributions can expose politicians' potential bias towards the pharmaceutical industry.



Average income spent just on diabetes supplies by diabetics in U.S.

Learn more about the insulin crisis

Our resources provide a deeper look into the data of the insulin pricing crisis in the U.S., what and who is behind it, and the policies getting passed right now.


Our study shows that even if insulin were free, families would still have substantial out-of-pocket costs for other health care. Policymakers should improve the affordability of all care for type 1 diabetes.”


Join our fight

Healthcare policy in the United States is just that — policy. There are over 37 million diabetics in the U.S., and through our collective action we can hold lawmakers accountable to protect our rights to health and life over corporate greed.

We have the power to vote for politicians who agree with our values and vote out the ones who aren’t working in our best interests to build a more equitable society.

Together we can change this system, but we need your help.